Wohnung "Zum alten Land" Nicklisch 57271 Hilchenbach
Schöne Ferienwohnung im Dachgeschosswohnung in Hilchenbach

Address & Contact
Marc Nicklisch
Owner's noteA hint from the landlord is available in German
Wohnung "Zum alten Land" Nicklisch
Wittgensteiner Strasse
57271 Hilchenbach, Germany
Prices (no VAT appl.)
Whole accommodation for 5 persons from 20,00 € per person
Number: 1
Guests: 5
Minimum stay (nights): 2

Price:100,00 €
Rooms and sleeping places for this unit (72m2)
Bedroom with Single bed
Bedroom with 2×Single bed
Bedroom with 2×Single bed
This accommodation welcomes guests on Monteurzimmer.de since 05.02.2025.
per person from 20,00 € (no VAT appl.)