Zimmer- Gästehaus-Pension, in der Nähe von Braunschweig. 38527 Meine
Zimmer-Gästehaus-Pension mit eigenem Bad

Address & Contact
Magdalena Pyrczak
Owner's noteA hint from the landlord is available in German
Zimmer- Gästehaus-Pension, in der Nähe von Braunschweig.
Braunschweiger Straße
38527 Meine, Germany
Prices (VAT incl.)
3 Shared rooms for 3 persons each from 29,00 € per person
Number: 3
Guests: 3
Price:88,00 €
Paid extras per unit
Paid parking
Seasonal prices and discounts
Seasonal discount for April to end of June: 3%
Single room for one person from 45,00 €
Number: 1
Guests: 1
Price:45,00 €
2 Double rooms for 2 persons each from 34,00 € per person
Number: 2
Guests: 2
Price:68,00 €
This accommodation welcomes guests on Monteurzimmer.de since 01.12.2023.
per person from 29,33 € (VAT incl.)