A brand of Funke Mediengruppe

7 Zimmer in einem Haus in Fechingen zu vermieten 66130 Saarbrücken

7 Zimmer über 2 Etagen zu vermieten, 2 Bäder, Gemeinschaftsraum, Garten, vollausgestattete Küche

Address & Contact

Konstantin Fischer

Owner's noteavailable Mo-Su 09:00 bis 20:00

7 Zimmer in einem Haus in Fechingen zu vermieten
Auf der Adt
66130 Saarbrücken, Germany

Description available in German

Prices (VAT incl.)

7 Single rooms for one person from 15,00 €

Number: 7

Guests: 1

Minimum stay (nights): 30

Price:15,00 €

Additional pricing information

For this building we plan to offer long-term rentals for tenants with a open-ended tenancy agreement with a three month notice period for terminating the contract. Each room will cost 450€ pm all inclusive. We are open to discuss different models depending on your needs.

This accommodation welcomes guests on Monteurzimmer.de since 05.06.2023.

per person from 15,00 € (VAT incl.)