A brand of Funke Mediengruppe

🥇 Monteurwohnungen Philippsburg / Waghäusel 76661 Philippsburg

Apartments with double or single rooms. All Inclusive. High Speed WiFi. Smart TV

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Poznámka od prenajímateľaEnglish, German

🥇 Monteurwohnungen Philippsburg / Waghäusel
76661 Philippsburg, Nemecko
Zobraziť na mape


📫 info@plantra.de ☎ +49 176 9327 6992

Plánovač trasy


📫 info@plantra.de
☎ +49 176 9327 6992

Hello, we offer multiple apartments for rent in the surrounding region for up to 100 persons.
The apartments come fully equipped with:

✓ Entire apartment exclusively for your group
✓ Comfortable single beds
✓ Private bathroom
✓ Private kitchen
✓ Free parking
✓ Free washing machine
✓ Smart TV with Netflix
✓ Very fast Wi-Fi (300 Mbps fiber optic)

Single rooms and double rooms are available.

We have several accommodations in the region. Feel free to inquire with us :)

Our prices vary depending on the number of people and length of stay. For more information, simply call us at ☎ +49 176 9327 6992 or send an email to 📫 info@plantra.de

Ceny (vrátane DPH.)

10 Jednolôžková izba pre jednu osobu od 40,00 €

Množstvo: 10

Hostia: 1

Cena:40,00 €

15 Dvojlôžková izba pre 2 osôb od 20,00 € na osobu

Množstvo: 15

Hostia: 2

Cena:40,00 €

10 Celé ubytovanie pre 6 osôb od 18,00 € na osobu

Množstvo: 10

Hostia: 6

Cena:108,00 €

Ďalšie informácie o cenách

Our prices vary depending on the number of guests and booking time. For more information and a detailed offer call ☎ +4917693276992 or text a message to 📫 info@plantra.de

Informácie o okolí

Verejná doprava
Čerpacia stanica
Nabíjacia stanica

Hodnotenie hostí ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Friedly landlord The landlord left a good impression by booking, arrival, during the stay and departure and was always friendly. Professional landlord The landlord was always friendly and helpful. He/She stood out for his/her excellent experience with guests. Clean accommodation Clean rooms/apartment as well as bathroom, outdoor area and kitchen Flexible arrival Check-in was easy and flexible. Special deals were taken into account. Comfortable facility The accommodation had all advertised special equipments or even exceeded my expactations. Great value for money The value for money was adequate. Conveniently located The accommodation is accessible from the autobahn and main road and easy to find. Quiet location Accommodation was in a quiet area without any noise. Good shopping facilities Supermarkets, bakeries, butchers or other food shops are around. Shopping possibilities nearby Lots of shopping possibilities such as boutiques, malls or other shops.

Toto ubytovanie privítalo nájomníkov na Monteurzimmer.de od 01.09.2022.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

za osobu preč 18,00 € (vrátane DPH.)


  • TV
  • Zariadenia na varenie
  • Súkromná kúpeľňa
  • W-LAN
  • Oddelené postele
  • Sprcha
  • Chladnička
  • Posteľná bielizeň vr.
  • Kanvica
  • Parkovisko pre auto
  • Hygienické výrobky
  • WC
  • Kuchynské potreby
  • Spoločenská miestnosť
  • Fajčiar
  • Terasa
  • Mikrovlnná rúra
  • Práčka
  • Čistiace prostriedky
  • Umývačka riadu
  • Nezávislá registrácia
  • Klimatizácia
  • Pracovný stôl
  • Možnosť prístelky
  • Streamovacie služby