Phöbener Str. , 14542 Werder Havel
Min period of 3 nights
from 15,00 € per person VAT excl. See accommodation: Monteur PH71,Seestraße , 14774 Brandenburg an der Havel
from 20,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationZiesarer Landstrasse , 14776 Brandenburg
Min period of 6 nights
from 10,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationBahnhofstraße , 14797 Kloster Lehnin
from 15,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationAn den Kiezgärten , 14641 Nauen
Min period of 14 nights
from 25,00 € per person VAT excl. See accommodationKastanienallee , 14550 Groß Kreutz (Havel)
Min period of 7 nights
Waldsiedlung , 14797 Kloster Lehnin
Min period of 2 nights
Glindower Weg , 14542 Werder
Min period of 2 nights
from 13,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationZum Trechwitzer Berg , 14797 Kloster Lehnin
from 12,50 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationHeinrich-Heine-Str. , 14727 Premnitz
from 25,00 € per person VAT excl. See accommodationZur alten Fähre , 14542 Werder Havel OT Töplitz
from 24,50 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationDid not find the right accommodation? Take a look at our other portal
Accommodation at DeinZimmer.deAccommodation in Brandenburg an der Havel
workers accommodation, boarding houses & hotels
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You have the option to specify your search for a worker room in Brandenburg an der Havel. Use the equipment filter and get a precise result for worker rooms in Brandenburg an der Havel with car parks or truck parking spaces.
In Brandenburg an der Havel you will find more than 3 worker room offers. You can use the sorting filter to see the result for worker rooms in Brandenburg an der Havel, sorted by number of people.
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