"Almost Home" Business Appartment am Rennplatz - Neu saniert - komplett möbliert incl TG ab sofort 93049 Regensburg

Adresse & Kontakt
Dagmar Teufel
"Almost Home" Business Appartment am Rennplatz - Neu saniert - komplett möbliert incl TG ab sofort
93049 Regensburg, Deutschland
Business Apartment “ almost home” Rennweg 14 / 1st Floor, 93049 Regensburg, Germany at Eur 980.- / month
The sunlit, fully equipped and tasteful decorated 40 squaremeters flat does offer the perfect spot to work and live in a modern, contemporary style.With an additioinal pull-out sleeping couch and plenty of storage space.
The flat is located on the first floor and easily accesible by lift.
The sunlit, fully equipped and tasteful decorated 40 squaremeters flat does offer the perfect spot to work and live in a modern, contemporary style.With an additioinal pull-out sleeping couch and plenty of storage space.
The flat is located on the first floor and easily accesible by lift.
Diese Unterkunft begrüßt seit dem 03.02.2019 Mieter auf Monteurzimmer.de.